Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Here it is, Christmas Eve Eve.
Where has this year gone? At this time last year we were closing on our house, finishing up our first few months at new jobs, and finishing up the last minute wedding details. Again I ask, where has this year gone?

I finished up our Christmas shopping yesterday. Jayden was gone for the weekend and Jeff is working nights, so it was me and Julianna out braving the crowds. When we headed out it was about 9:00 and half of the sky was practically pitch black with clouds. We made it to two stores and were in Academy Sports when all hell broke loose from the clouds. It was one of those rains where you can hear it even inside the store. Jules was in her seat in the stroller, we had one small bag...and no umbrella. I was very close to asking someone to watch her while I ran out and pulled the car up, but she has a waterproof covering in her carseat and a canopy, so I was really the only one that would wind up getting wet. So off we went into the downpour -- which had let up a teensy bit. By the time I got her seat in the car, pushed the stroller to the back, opened the back, folded the stroller, threw it inside, and walked back to my door to get in, I was soaked. Opening the back door provided a covering for a second so I closed up the stroller in partial dryness, but it doesn't do much good when the rain is being blown from an angle. After all that, Jayden's Rockets jersey better fit!!

Speaking of Jayden, he and Jeff had their first hunting expedition this week. They left early Tuesday morning to meet Grandpa Mike so they could all go hunting together at the lease. All went well on Tuesday, but Wednesday they ran into trouble. See, Jayden has never been camping before and has never really had to go to the bathroom outdoors. He's tried before, but I think he gets performance anxiety because nothing ever happens. So he tried to go Tues night and couldn't, tried to go Wednesday morning before they headed to the stand and couldn't. It hit him about an hour into their sit in the stand, right when two deer showed up and Jeff had them sighted in the scope. Then, apparently, Jayden freaked out and started screaming, "I have to potty!! I have to potty!!" Naturally this scared the deer away for at least a week, and when Jeff looked over at poor Jayden, he was sitting in a puddle. It was early in the morning and cold, so he'd been wearing both pairs of pants, and the puddle lead to a trip into town and a visit to the laundromat. When pretty much the same thing happened later that afternoon they decided to call it a trip and head back home. Poor guy. I guess anytime he needs to go to the bathroom we'll have to make him practice going outside.

We're all excited about our first Christmas as a family. I think Jayden is most excited because he'll get to open all of Julianna's presents, which means he gets to open double his normal amount. Unfortunately, Jeff has to work Christmas Eve so he won't get to play Santa with me. I'll probably leave a little bit for that morning so that he can at least have a small hand in getting stuff ready. I bought the stuff for my stocking, so he can stuff it to pretend like he got it for me :)

We're having Christmas day here in Houston and having Christmas dinner at Jeff's mom's, however I'm making three dishes that are staples in Kennedy Christmases, so I'll have a little piece of home with me on Christmas day. My mom allllways makes broccoli casserole for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I'm going to inherit that recipe and responsibility when she's not with us. Also, my aunt makes Eagle Brand Cherry Pie (or Cherry Cheesecake, whichever your prefer) and Jeff loves cherry pie, so I'm making my first attempt at that. The last thing is a tradition with my family -- we always have Monkey Bread on Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings, so I'm making that for my family now. It is soooo delicious and I can't wait to eat it! Hopefully everything will taste delicious...hopefully.

Yesterday was Julianna's 3 month birthday -- that seems impossible! She is sooo big, practically as big as a 5 or 6 month old now. At her 2 month appointment she was about as big as a 4 month old (12.3 and 24 1/4 inches) and she has filled out even more! She's wearing her 3-6 month clothes now and they're almost too small! We'll have to get some new pajamas for sure because hers are tight on the torso, especially if her diaper gets wet, which it inevitably does when she's sleeping. Here are some things she's doing now:
  • If she's on her stomach she can push up with her arms and raise her head and torso.
  • She's SO CLOSE to rolling over when she's on her tummy. Her body will get practically sideways and she'll start kicking her legs.
  • She's also very close to rolling over when she's on her back sometimes. If she gets her legs going back and forth, she'll get her lower body sideways.
  • Her legs and arms are always kicking and trying to go places.
  • She LOVES to smile and laugh at everyone and everything.
  • She'd rather be held up on your shoulder than lying down in your arms. She loves to see the world!
  • She's found her hands and tries to eat/suck on them all the time. This usually leads to a huge drool spot on your shoulder, so watch out!
  • If you move something from side to side in front of her face, she'll follow it with her eyes and turn her head to see it.
  • She loves it if you make silly faces and talk to her. I like to say "La, la, la" in a singsongy voice -- she thinks it's funny and sometimes she'll put her tongue on the roof of her mouth and click it like she wants to make an "L" noise.
  • If you talk, she'll try to look around and find your voice and to see where it's coming from.
  • She has 99% complete control of her head. She's been holding it up literally since the day she was born, and now she's always up and alert, looking around.
  • She's sleeping about 6-7 hours a night, usually from approx 9:30 pm - 4:30 am. She defininately got those sleeping skills from her dad, he's a master sleeper!

Jayden is doing all those things and more :) He's the smartest 4 1/2 year old on the planet and getting smarter every day. He still LOVES being a big brother and absolutely adores his sister. I figured by now she'd be old news to him and the jealousy and boredom would have set in, but it hasn't at all! Really the only time that he gets annoyed is if he wants to go outside and she has to eat. But she's about to switch to bottles full-time, so even that won't be a problem any more! He's just the greatest kid and we're so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful children!

I better get to bed because I have a busy day tomorrow -- I have to finish the pie, make the casserole, finish wrapping presents, take the kids to get their pictures taken, go to Christmas Eve service, and be Santa!

Everyone have a Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's Nice to Share

Country Crock is donating a meal to a family in need for every "story of sharing" one posts on their website.

Please visit and share a story of a time you have shared with others. It takes about 30 seconds and you'll help feed a family in need! Also, you can post as many stories as you want!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Been Awhile

Pictures are shown from newest to oldest. Click on the picture to make it bigger.

10 1/2 week old Julianna after her bath.

In San Marcos last weekend.

All bundled up to look at Christmas trees:

Thanksgiving Day 2007:

Cuddling at bedtime (Julianna is 8 1/2 weeks):

Jayden playing frisbee:

Jules playing in her cradle:

Jules had her 2 month checkup Friday. She was 12.3 pounds and 24 1/4 inches -- about 2 1/2 months old and as big as a 4 month old! I'll try to write a "real" post tomorrow -- Jeff is on nights and between working and the kiddos, I'm beat! Jayden's 8:30 bedtime is Mommy's bedtime too!