Monday, November 19, 2007

Mr. Mom

Today I am watching Jules while Jennifer is at work. I have a sneaking suspicion that she would rather be here with us. Am I right babe?

Taking care of Julianna is pretty easy most of the time even without the user's manual (she didn't come with one!) There are just a few things that upset her, and apparantly most other babies have these same issues. That's helpful because I can research these issues in books or on the internet and come up with unique solutions to solve whatever might be bothering her.

In no particular order, here is a list of the most common things that piss Julianna off.
  • dirty/wet diaper
  • hungry
  • tired
  • uncomfortable

The first three issues are pretty simple to solve, and I have become adept at the skills necessary for resolution. I can change a diaper. I can warm up milk and put all the pieces of the bottle together (I'm good at puzzles). I can set her down to nap in her bouncy chair or in the cradle. It's all very simple actually. The challenge comes when there are multiple issues going on all at once. I've noticed on more than one occasion that Julianna might be tired, hungry, AND have a dirty diaper! Whew. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

The last issue on the list is the most vague, which tends to make it the most difficult problem to solve. Is she cold? Hot? Does she need to burp? Is she tired of being in her carseat? Tired of being in her bouncy chair? I DON'T KNOW!! At eight weeks of age she STILL doesn't have the tools necessary to communicate her wants and desires to me. So basically, if she's still upset and crying after I've already changed her diaper, fed her, and set her down to sleep, then I am in no man's land. That's when it gets frustrating for me. Oh well, she should be talking any day now right? Then it'll be a piece of cake.

I'm noticing something else about Julianna. I think sometimes she likes to play games with me. Just kinda mess with me ya know? For example, I'll set her down in her chair and give her a pacifier to calm her down. She will look me in the eyes, spit it out, and then start to cry again. At first I thought it was an accident, but occasionally she will spit it out half a dozen times before she finally keeps it in her mouth. I don't know what's up with that, but I'm starting to think that she finds it very amusing.

On work:
I have to work on Thanksgiving Day this year. To be accurate, I will actually be working from 2 p.m. until 6 a.m. on Friday morning. I'm only scheduled to work from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Thanksgiving night, but two people just took vacation at the last minute. I sorta volunteered to take the 4 hours so that someone else wouldn't be forced to work. Aren't I a nice guy? This will be my first holiday to work while being employed by ExxonMobil. Turns out I'm going to make quite a bit of $$ on Thanksgiving. That also might have something to do with why I took the extra 4 hours. But I am still a nice guy.

On Houston sports:
The Astros are making trades and signing players right and left. However I have no idea if they'll be any better than they were last year. I would say, "They can't get any worse," but that's a jinx if I've ever heard one.

The Houston Dynamo won the MLS Championship yesterday! That makes them back-to-back champions, which is only the second time in MLS history that has happened. This team has been in Houston for two years and they have won the championship both years. Before they moved to Houston they were located in San Jose where they won the championship in 2001 and 2003. People, that is FOUR championships in seven years. Call it the Dynamo Dynasty, because that is what it is. Go Dynamo!!

And finally, the Houston Texans beat the New Orleans Saints yesterday to make their record 5-5. That's the best record the Texans have ever had after 10 games in the season. If Andre Johnson hadn't gotten hurt and missed the last 7 games, I feel confident that we would be at least 7-3 right now. Oh well. At least they are improving. They are starting to become a fun team to watch, and that's no minor victory.

Well, I had better get back to being Mr. Mom. I can't wait to see everyone this coming weekend. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. Leave a comment if you read this blog. It'll make us happy.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Here are the kiddos on Halloween!

Jayden was Jengo Fett -- a character from the newer Star Wars trilogy -- aka Boba Fett's dad. Jayden has worn this costume almost daily since Halloween and has worn the mask 100% daily since least we're getting our money's worth! If anyone needs Christmas present ideas, he LOVES costumes!

Julianna was Curious George-ette. I was out of town and unable to secure a good Halloween costume so I put Jeff in charge of that the Wednesday before Halloween. I politely recommended that he go before Saturday because everyone and their dog would be out on their day off getting last minute costumes. Jeff declined this polite recommendation and went Sunday night. Alas, Curious George was all that was left. I snazzed it up with the big bow and girly bib (not shown here) and transformed her into George-ette. So Jules, when you get older and want to know why you were a monkey instead of a cute lady bug or little was your dad's fault :)

If you've ever watched Zoolander with Ben Stiller, notice Jayden's perfect Zoolander face under his mask.

Smiles Galore

I tried to post these pictures yesterday but for some reason the picture posting application was not working, so let's try again!

What a cutie! She is growing like a weed and smiling so much now. Jules is a great baby just like her brother -- she really only cries if she needs something (diaper/food) or has a bubble in her belly. She's developed somewhat of a daily routine: Breakfast around 6, go back to sleep, brunch at 8:30 or 9ish, play, lunch about 11, long nap from about 12 - 2 or 3 and eat when she wakes up, play, eat about 5, play, eat about 7, nap, eat at 9:30, then sleep until 3 or 4 am. She goes to the doctor the 30th for her 2 month visit and I swear she'll have gained at least 2-3 pounds and have grown at least another inch!

I went to the doctor today for my first post-parturm checkup. With Jayden I'm pretty sure that I had a 2 week PP checkup, but not with Jules. I've lost most of the baby weight (but definitely not all the bellyjelly) and everything checked out with them. Since my doctor didn't deliver Jules, this was the first time Dr. got to see her -- she thought Jules was beautiful, naturally.

Jeff is almost finished with his first week as an Exxon employee. I know that he is ready to be done with this week of sitting and paperwork and explanations and ready to get back into the lab and actually doing something. He's working some overtime this weekend so he'll be working his first days with his new pay rate and overtime rate -- woohoo! I still haven't received my disability check and being without my income isn't fun...that extra money will be a blessing!

Speaking of work, I start back to work on Monday. I'm ready to go back and I'm not at the same time. Anyone know of some good work-from-home ideas? Anyone? Bueller? Well, before I go back to work I have to have some lessons planned out for my kiddos, so I better get busy with that. Everyone have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Touchy Touchy

I know babies are cute and you just want to pinch their chubby cheeks and kiss their tiny hands...but please don't touch my baby.

While I was pregnant I had endless questions from strangers about when I was due, what was the gender, was this my first, etc etc etc...but I only had two strangers who randomly touched my belly. The first Jeff and I refer to as the drive-by toucher -- we were at a restaurant waiting to be seated and a Hispanic lady that works there reached out and rubbed my belly as she was passing by. A drive by. The other was a lady that works at Shipley's -- I was getting us donuts one morning and she asked when I was due (3 weeks) and if she could touch my belly (uh, sure?)...but at least she asked.

A few weeks ago at Target, Jules and I were in the checkout line. We had made it through 80% of my grocery list before she started getting fussy, which I consider quite an accomplishment. The checker was scanning/bagging my groceries and I went around to the front of the buggy to put the bags in the cart and get ready to pay when Julianna's paci must have fallen out because she started crying again. I turn around to find that the lady who was in line behind me was taking it upon herself to reach into my baby's seat, find her paci, and give it back to her, not to mention the fact that she was all up in Jules' face cooing at her. As I stepped back to the front the lady backed away and I gave kind of a smile/grimace in the lady's direction, then checked on Jules. I went back around to finish paying and the lady stepped BACK up to be right beside Julianna! What is this lady doing? I thought to myself. I finished paying and pulled the buggy forward so I could finish putting the bags in it. By this time Jules was really riled up (she doesn't like being in that seat in the first place and certainly doesn't like it when she's hungry and strange people are all up in her business) and there was another lady in line who was a bit older. She asked me how old "he" was and I replied that "SHE" was 3 weeks -- hello?! she's dressed all in pink with a pink blanket! At least she didn't touch.

I went with my parents to watch my sister cheer at one of her college football games. Afterwards, we went to eat at a Mexican food restaurant. Julianna was starving, so I decided to go feed her in the car. My dad had just gone to the restroom and he had the keys so I went up to the front lobby (near the restrooms) to wait on him, holding Julianna in my arms. The hostess asked how old Jules was, told me how cute she is (duh), then asked if she could hold her. I'm sorry, you're a stranger, at work, I have no idea who you are, and you want to hold my baby? I politely declined blaming Julianna's cranky attitude and hungry belly.

I just don't understand how random people want to touch and hold random babies? It just doesn't make sense to matter how cute, I couldn't imagine touching/holding some strange kid. You can admire from afar, but if I don't know you, please keep your distance!