Monday, October 29, 2007

Some Pics From MP

Jennifer sent these pictures from Mount Pleasant. Her momma took them. I thought they were good so I figured I'd share them.
I miss my girls!

Isn't Jayden handsome? What a stud.

Have I mentioned how much I miss them?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

New Job

As some of you may know, I currently work as a contractor at the ExxonMobil Refinery Lab in Baytown, TX. My current employer is Kelly Scientific, and I work as a lab tech along side of the Exxon lab techs.

In August I was invited to interview for a lab tech position with Exxon. I did well enough on the first interview to be invited back for a second round of interviews. Well, in late September I was offered the job! I accepted of course. The hire was conditional upon completion of a background check, pre-employment physical, and drug test.

Last week I received a letter in the mail confirming that I had met all the pre-employment requirements and that my start date will be November 5th! Yeah!!

So as of next Monday, I will no longer be a contractor with no benefits and low pay (not that low actually). I will be an employee of ExxonMobil! The company with two consecutive years of record-setting profits of $36 Billion and $39.5 Billion. That's pretty good.

Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know my good news. Have a good Sunday and everyone root for the Texans!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

For the Record

I wanted to clarify something that's been bothering me. The set of links to the right of the page says "Our Favorite Links". That's misleading. I have only willingly visited two of those five links.

My two favorite websites are the Houston Astros Homepage and the Houston Chronicle. I want no part of those other three. Jennifer is crazy if thinks I want to be associated with that garbage. heh.

Ok, ok. I don't really have a problem with the Word of the Day site. I enjoy words. But it is by no means one of my favorite websites.

The other two are still lame.

Friday, October 26, 2007

@ the hospital

So where was I? We arrived at the hospital safe and sound (I drove more carefully this time), and checked in at the Emergency Room desk. They quickly got Jennifer loaded into a wheelchair and wheeled us up to the baby station on the 3rd floor.

*Disclaimer* - The details are going to be fuzzy in parts of this story for several reasons. The MAIN reason is that my head was spinning from nervous excitement. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So they get us into one of the birthing rooms, and I start to breath again. I notice that Jayden has deposited himself onto a little loveseat against the wall. I think he was nervous too, but probably less nervous than me because he had been to a Big Brother class a few weeks prior. If I remember right, the class was in a room almost exactly like the room that we were in that night. So he was at least comfortable with the surroundings, and he probably had a decent idea of what was about to go down. Regardless, I was very proud of him for being so well-behaved.

The next thing I noticed was Jennifer getting hooked up to all the monitors and IVs and whatnot. The nurses were having a pretty difficult time getting a loud heartbeat from Julianna, and that was stressing me out a bit. They told us that she was just in a hard to hear location, but I wanted to hear that strong, little heartbeat! Jennifer didn't seem too worried so that calmed me down a bit. As a matter of fact, Jennifer was my support through the whole thing. I know that sounds backwards since I was supposed to be there to "coach" her, support her, and comfort her. Oh well! I had the best intentions going in to do just those things, but without her calm demeanor I would have been totally useless.

Right about that time is when my mom and John showed up to take Jayden to their house for the evening. At that point we had absolutely no idea if Jennifer was even going to go into labor that night so it made no sense for Jayden to hang around.

That reminds me...Jennifer wasn't really having contractions until awhile after we arrived into the delivery room. The nurses first had to decide whether her water had truly broken, and then whether or not they would have to induce labor. Well it turns out that she started having natural labor contractions very soon after that first examination.

So now it's just me and her in the delivery room; trying to stay comfortable in between the increasingly painful contractions. It didn't take long for the pain to really start bothering Jennifer. She asked for something to make the pain go away, Demerol I think, and so that she could maybe sleep for a bit. At this point it's around 1 a.m. Whatever they gave her kicked in VERY quickly and Jennifer was knocked out. I thought this would be my chance to finally get some sleep (remember I had been up since 4:30 a.m. that morning!), but no such luck. About every 10 minutes Jennifer would mumble/groan and try to hold my hand through one of the contractions. It was pretty funny actually, because she wouldn't say much at all. She would just reach out her hand and sorta wiggle it at me and moan. Luckily, I am a smart dude so I figured out what she was wanting. I don't know how, but holding my hand apparantly helped.

She was able to sleep for about an hour and a half before the nurse came in to do another exam. Before the pain medicine, I believe Jennifer was dilated about 4-5 cm. When the nurse came in around 2:15 she was at 8 cm!! I was shocked, and apparantly so was the nurse. She mentioned something about getting ready to give birth as she was leaving so I thought I should start trying to wake Jennifer up. That was not an easy task.

As Jennifer was coming to, she mentioned that she had to go to the bathroom. She already blogged about this, but I'll cover it again from my point of view. The nurse and I help her to the restroom, and I stepped inside with her. I HAD to because she was still pretty much completely out of it. Almost as soon as she sat down she mentioned off-hand that she had to poop. I figured that the nurse might want to know about that so I stuck my head out and told her. I wasn't expecting the reaction that I got! "Oh no you don't!", as she ran past me into the restroom. She told Jennifer that if she felt that sort of pressure down there that it meant she was ready to have the baby. Jennifer said, "No, it means I have to poop." hahaha. It was pretty funny, but I felt sorry for her too.

So the nurse takes her back to the bed and examines her again. Meanwhile all sorts of equipment starts showing up, brought by other nurses. Our room was really starting to buzz with activity. This is another time when my head started spinning so again, the details are fuzzy. The next thing I remember well is the nurse saying, "Hold this and press the red button when I tell you to. The doctor will come when you press that button." Then she tells Jennifer that she's going to try pushing and see how it goes.

The nurse tells Jenn to push whenever she feels a contraction coming and Jennifer says, "Right now." So she starts to push and about two seconds later I hear, "Push the red button!" I pushed it...hard...twice. This was about 2:30 a.m.

The doctor came in pretty much immediately so she must have been close, and this is when I found out that I was gonna get more than I bargained for. The doctor told me grab Jennifer's foot with my right hand and hold her back with my left so that I could help her push when the next contraction came. Well, it came before I was mentally ready, but who was I to hold her up?

I don't know how many times that Jennifer had to push, but if it was 20 times I'd be suprised. I got severely reprimanded only once during labor. I was leaning towards Jenn, telling her over and over again that, "it'll be're ok." Jenn grabs me and says, "You can say anything else you want, but STOP telling me I'm ok. Because I am NOT ok." Yikes! I think I switched it up and told her that she was doing a good job, and that the baby would be here soon, and yada yada. Whatever I was saying must have been better than "you're ok", because the next push provided the biggest shock of the evening.

I saw half of a head come out! I remember pretty vividly telling Jenn that she can't stop now because the head was only halfway out. It looked to me like she was about to go on break, but I could tell that one more push was gonna do the trick. Sure enough she pushed one last time, screamed maybe just a bit, and saw Julianna Elizabeth Fountain for the first time!

I remember that I could see her mouth moving, but no sound was coming out. Then she was out of sight for a bit, and then my body was floating towards the doctor as she held out the scissors to cut the cord. I think I did a good job (Jules has an innie belly button!), and then they laid her in Jenn's arms.

I am decent with words, but I haven't been able to describe how I felt seeing Jenn holding Julianna that first time. I am a softie, and usually I cry very easily when I am happy/proud. This was different somehow. I was choking up one second, and almost laughing the next. I think the emotions were so powerful that I actually wasn't able to do anything. That's the only way I can explain it.

Well, I have typed enough for today...some would say too much perhaps. I'll write just a bit more tomorrow about what went on after she was born. I bet you can't wait! Stay tuned.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nosy Neigbors

Jennifer, Jayden, and Julianna are out of town. They've been in Mount Pleasant since...actually I don't know when they left. I should know that, but I don't. I have been working pretty much everyday (both nights and days), and my internal calendar is all messed up. I had to ask Jennifer about a dozen times when she was leaving and coming back, and I still have no idea. Well, I do know that she's coming back either Sunday night or Monday. But since I don't really know what today is I don't know how far away Sunday or Monday is.

Our neighbors are throwing a little Halloween party on Sat. night. I'm supposed to go. They are all going to be asking me where my wife is. I have a plan though. I'm going to mess with them. I'm just going to say, "She left....", and leave it at that. Let them assume that she's left me or whatever they want to assume. I swear sometimes that we live on a poor man's Wisteria Lane. All of our neighbors are so incredibly nosy! I wonder if Jennifer has told any of them about this blog. If so, I mean that you are nosy in the nicest way possible. heh.


Friday, October 19, 2007


I've been a bad, bad blogger. I don't think I've posted anything in weeks. However, this is similar to a tree falling with no one around. Does the tree still make a sound?

Julianna is nearly one month old. She'll be one month old on October 22 at 2:45 a.m. Is that even possible? Weren't we just at the hospital last weekend? This time lapse is going to keep happening to me isn't it? You parents out there will probably tell me that it's just going to get worse. Awesome.

Seriously though, I had planned on coming straight home from the hospital and blogging about Julianna's birthday to give my side of the story. I guess I've been busy although I can't really think of anything that I've done. Strange isn't it? Well, even though it's nearly 4 weeks late here is my version of the events leading up to, and including, Julianna's birthday.

We'll start this story on Thursday, September 20, 2007. I arrived home from work at the usual time (6:30ish), and Jenn is telling me that she thinks she's been having "practice" contractions since that afternoon. I think she told me they were about 30 minutes apart, and they weren't really very strong or anything. I said, "Ok.....and?" That sounds rude doesn't it? I didn't mean it rude. I just meant, "Ok, so what does that mean exactly? Are we having the baby tonight?" Thinking back, I probably should have just said that. Hindsight is 20/20 right? Right. So anyways, Jenn tells me no, she doesn't think that she's in labor. We just kinda sat around that night and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. When we went to bed around 10 p.m. her contractions had completely stopped. I got a good night's sleep and went to work the next morning.

So now it's Friday, September 21 and the events of the previous night have completely left my brain. That happens to me alot. Friday was going to be a fun day because Charlie Fojt had invited the Fountain family to his house in Mont Belvieu. We were just gonna look at his shop, drink some beers, and play with his two miniature donkeys, Brutus and Checkmate. Sounds like fun huh? Well, the event then evolved into more of a guy only thing because two other guys from work were gonna come over too to help drink the beer. So Jennifer politely declined to attend so that I could go hang with the guys. Isn't she sweet? You ARE sweet babe.

So here's where it starts to get exciting. I decided to drive home to Pasadena first to change clothes and buy some "fancy beer" to take with me. When I got home I spent about 2 minutes getting dressed and about 15 minutes looking for my phone. Should I be completely honest here? Ok, ok. I spent about 2 minutes changing clothes, 14 minutes playing on the computer, and 1 minute looking for my phone. That was my BIG mistake.

I arrived at Fojt's shop sometime around 7:30ish and popped the cap on a bottle of Saint Arnold's Amber Ale. Ahhhh. It was going to be a nice, relaxing evening. Wrong. I soon found out that you don't get invited to the Fojt shop unless you are ready to work. Zach and Kevin cranked up the blowtorch and started cutting off the firebox on Charlie's new barbeque pit. He put me to work trying to troubleshoot his widescreen tv. I'm good with electronics ya see. He kept trying to get me to pull the starter on some boat he had just bought. I don't know where he got the idea that I was a boat mechanic, but I'm not.

Then I got the grand tour of the Fojt mansion (he's got a nice setup over there), and we decided to go raid his bay house for some food to cook up. Now THAT is a nice setup. That bay house is perfect for entertaining. Sits right on Trinity Bay, and has just an incredible view. I was a little jealous. Just a little. After the second grand tour of the night we head back over to the shop to "work" some more and cook some dinner. The next thing I know, Charlie is standing in his boat trying to show me where the starter is, and he stops to look at his phone. He makes some face like, "Huh, I wonder who the heck this could be?"

I swear time froze for me at that instant. My mind immediately flashed back to when I arrived and I told myself, "Self, you need to call Jennifer from Charlie's phone so that she has a number to call in case anything happens." Did I ever call her from Charlie's phone? NO! Argh. Time unfreezes and I see and hear Charlie say, "It's for's Jennifer." I knew right then I was in trouble, but it was confirmed when I put the phone up to my ear. "WHY THE F WOULDN'T YOU TAKE YOUR PHONE WITH YOU!!!" I had no good excuse ready so I just asked her what was wrong. "I think my water has broken and we have to go to the hospital right NOW!"

I don't remember what I said to Charlie, Zach, and Kevin, but I know that I high-tailed it back to Pasadena as fast as I could. I was breaking the speed limit, but I won't tell you how fast. You'll just be disappointed in my decision-making yet again. Needless to say, I made it home safe and sound, loaded up the car with Jayden, luggage, and Jennifer. I made SURE not to forget Jennifer. That would have been the final nail in the coffin I'm sure.

Well, that's my version of the events leading up to the hospital stay. I'll try to finish the story this weekend. I'll also try to put up some pumpkin carving pictures from yesterday. Our first family pumpkin! Stay tuned!


Friday, October 12, 2007


I agree with Lauren, we do need more updates!!

This week has seemed like a loooong one. Jeff's car has been acting up lately and needs to be checked out, so I've been taking him to/picking him up from work each biggie right? Well, when it involves waking at 5 am, getting two kids out of bed and into the car, and driving about 40 minutes (roundtrip), it isn't so fun! Hopefully we can get it checked out and fixed soon!

Jayden is still loving his little sister. He's SUCH a cutie talking to her and singing her songs. She hasn't been too impressed with riding in the car and he'll tell her not to cry and sing her the ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, plus he always makes sure her shade thing is pulled so that the sun isn't in her eyes. It's just too bad he can't reach her pacifier when it falls out!

Jayden's also sooo curious these days about how to sound out words. Anytime he sees something he'll ask what it says and lots of times he'll just throw letters out there and ask what it says -- "J...H...U...A -- what's that?" Just last night I was cooking dinner and heard him sounding something out; when I looked over at him, he was sitting on the floor trying to read a word on the big brown paper sacks the city gives us for trash. He sounded out "Pasa-" by himself then started to leave it. I asked him what the rest of the word said (there was crease on the bag so I think he thought that was the end of that word) and he sounded that out..."-dena. Pasadena!" It's so amazing to see him when he figures something out and reads a whole word because his eyes and whole face just lights up. He's so smart and curious, I just hope that next year when he starts kindergarten that he can get into a class that will help foster his curiosity keep him challenged. I understand it's "just kindergarten," but I want him to love to learn like he does now.

We took Julianna to the doctor yesterday for her 2 week check-up and she's still perfect. When we went in for a weight check two days after she was born, she had lost more weight and was down from her birth weight of 7 lb 11 oz to about 7 lb 5 oz. The doctor said to just keep trying the breastfeeding and if we felt she wasn't eating enough to supplement with formula. In the following two weeks I've been up and down and all over the place with emotions about breastfeeding -- with Jayden it was easy...when it was time to eat he wasn't playing any games, he was ready to eat. However, Jules wanted to eat a little here, fall asleep, eat a little there and I was constantly back and forth thinking she wasn't eating enough, I wasn't making enough milk for her, I should just stop being selfish and switch to formula so she was getting enough to eat, etc. Thanks to Jeff's encourgement, I just kept thinking that as long as she's satisfied, that's all that matters...nature takes care of the rest.

When they weighed her at the doctor she had not only gained her lost weight back, she had added almost a whole pound! She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz which exceeded the doc's expectations of how much she would weigh. So now I feel like a weight has been lifted and I know that she's definitely getting enough food. Not only had she gained a pound, she's already grown a whole inch! She's now 22 inches long, which explains why she can't straighten her loooon legs in her newborn foot pajamas (that are SO soft)! We go back at the end of November for her 2 month check up, when they start the first round of all the shots and vaccinations -- I hate that part!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Happy early birthday to Lauren W! Enjoy turning 21!