Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Birth Day Story

Thursday, September 20 I had a small contraction at 4:00 while still at work. Twenty minutes later, another. Twenty minutes later, another. I finished up putting together work and instructions for my substitute and went home, still having small contractions about twenty minutes apart. When I told Jeff what was happening we both got really excited -- surely they would start to get closer together and we would have a baby the next day! We ate dinner and I laid down about 8:00 to rest while he packed our suitcase and put all of our stuff by the door, just in case we had to leave in the middle of the night. The minute I laid down, I didn't have another contraction that evening, through the night, or the next morning. I know I was a little bummed when I woke up the next morning and nothing had happened, and I'm sure Jeff was too. Even Jayden asked why we didn't go to the hospital.

On Friday, Jeff had to work, Jayden went to school, and I went to my 9:30 appointment at the hospital for pre-induction blood/paperwork. No contractions or anything. I got Jeff his birthday present. No contractions or anything. I got a pedicure. Nothing. Picked Jayden up from school. Nothing. Had a little sigh of disappointment. Nothing. After getting so excited the night before it was a bummer that now there was no sign of anything happening at all!! Jeff's friend at work had invited us over for dinner, but it ended up being a couple guys from Jeff's work + me and Jayden so I told him to go hang out and have fun, nothing was happening for us tonight. Our neighbors came over to see if we wanted to go to dinner so Jayden and I went to eat with them -- yummy Mexican food.

We made it back about 8:00 and Jayden got showered and into pajamas ready for bed. We were about to get in his bed to read his book so I went to the bathroom real quick. Only problem was, as soon as I stood up I felt a I sat back down. Still trickling and there was nothing I could do to stop it (kinda gross, I know). "Self," I thought, "is my water breaking?" I stand up, it didn't stop, so I sat back down. I immediately thought "I have to call Jeff...I wonder if he remembered to pick up his phone when he stopped by the house?" (He can't have his phone at work because it has a camera.) Jayden went to look on the computer desk, which is where his phone had been, and came back with it in his hand. Grrrreat. My water is breaking, Jeff is at this guys house, I don't have the number and he doesn't have his phone. After nothing all day, now this?! I call his work and get the friends number and call over there; naturally, as soon as the friend heard it was me he knew something was up. Jeff started racing home, I called the doctor who said to head to the hospital so they could check and see if my water "had a rupture," and called my parents. Thankfully, all of our stuff was by the front door so we just loaded it into the car and took off for the hospital, Jayden in his PJs and flipflops.

Ironically, it was 9:30 pm when we got to the hospital -- only 12 hours since I had been there doing blood/paperwork, thinking that we had two more days before we would see a baby. Jayden was so great on the way to the hospital and once we got there. He just sat on the chair, very patient and of course cute. I changed into my hospital gown and he was just kinda looking around at the room -- he took a "Big Brother" class that the hospital offers for siblings and had gotten a tour of the hospital and the rooms and stuff, so I think that really helped him feel at ease. Plus the fact that he was so excited about being a big brother! Jeff's mom and stepdad came up about 10:30 and picked up Jayden so he could go sleep at their house. We had talked about how he would stay with them while we were at the hospital, so he was ready to go -- he gave me hugs and kisses and gave Jules a belly kiss and I was thinking "How in the world is he 4 1/2?! I just was here the other day waiting for him to be born!" which of course made me teary.

The nurse did a test and sure enough, my water had ruptured. The doctor said that she wanted to wait and just see what my body did before they started any sort of drugs or anything to start labor. When we were on our way to the hospital I noticed small contractions again, and they definately started getting more intense at the hospital. Jeff did so great letting me squeeze his hand (off) and helping me breathe. I wanted a little pain medicine and about 12 am they gave me some Demerol. I knew from labor with Jayden that it would put me to sleep so I could sleep through some contractions, and it did its job. Apparently while I was sleeping my body kicked into high gear -- I definately don't remember much of what happened while I was drugged. Jeff will have to fill in the blanks there. I know he said the nurse came in to check progress and I had gone from a 5 to and 8 1/2 in that hour. I remember going to the bathroom and feeling like I had to push and our sweet little nurse was like "No no no!" I remember being back in bed (don't know how I got there though) and then I remember pushing. I remember Jeff saying, "Don't stop now, she's almost out!" so I pushed againg and she was on my belly!
Jeff and I were both almost in tears because even with all the gunk still on her, she was so beautiful and perfect! I held her for just a second before they whisked her off to get cleaned up and weighed/measured. Poor Jeff had to sit down -- in the picture he's up by my head in the clear zone where you can't see much, but during the delivery he was holding my foot, helping me sit up and definately got more than he had anticipated. As he sat there staring at me and the doctor I knew he was thinking, "Wait, I know we had to get baby out, but I didn't know about all this other stuff!" The drugs had worn off for me, so I was in the clear. I told him to go look at the baby not sit there and watch me, so he walked over there.

The next I looked at him, he had pulled a chair over and was sitting and watching them (a nurse took these pictures for use which was so nice!) mess with Julianna. A nurse wrapped her up and handed her to him and said "I'm a little light-headed." No one heard him but me. I told the doctor and she whipped around and the nurse swooped in for the baby. Our nurse, Colleen, was like, "You ok dad?" He hadn't had a chance to eat or anything and now all this excitement. He did fabulous.

So Julianna Elizabeth Fountain made her appearance on Saturday, September 22 at 2:45 am, only 5 hours and 15 minutes after we checked into the hospital. She was ready to see the world!

Daddy holding Jules in the delivery room about 3:30 am...

...and Daddy holding Jules in the post-partum room at a more decent hour that morning (around 10ish I think).

Two of the three sets of grandparents:
Jeff's dad was hunting in Bay City and got to stop by on his way back home, but we didn't get a picture! Sorry Mike!

Our first family photo on Saturday afternoon.

Having a baby is hard work.

Me and my babies!!

Going home Sunday evening.

At home that night in her bouncy/vibrator seat.
Now everyone is home and pretty much adjusted. We went in Tuesday for a weight check and she had lost a few ounces, but she had also just gotten the hang of eating. Believe me, I know by now she's put those ounces back on! Jeff got some batteries yesterday for her little seat and she will sleep foreverrr with it vibrating. Jayden is loving having a little sister -- he loves to just sit and look at her and try to talk to her and play with her. He can't wait for her to get bigger so she's awake more and able to play more. She's a pretty good sleeper in the night. She sleeps about 2 1/2 - 3 hours then eats. The only problem with eating is it usually is an hour long affair. She'll eat, fall asleep, burp, eat, fall asleep, burp, change diaper, switch sides to eat, fall asleep, burp, eat, fall asleep, burp. Jeff's taken over school duty for Jayden, getting up to get him dressed, breakfasted, and dropped off at pre-K while I get a little sleep.
So that's that! Julianna is here and beautiful. And now it's time for her to eat!

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