I agree with Lauren, we do need more updates!!
This week has seemed like a loooong one. Jeff's car has been acting up lately and needs to be checked out, so I've been taking him to/picking him up from work each day...no biggie right? Well, when it involves waking at 5 am, getting two kids out of bed and into the car, and driving about 40 minutes (roundtrip), it isn't so fun! Hopefully we can get it checked out and fixed soon!
Jayden is still loving his little sister. He's SUCH a cutie talking to her and singing her songs. She hasn't been too impressed with riding in the car and he'll tell her not to cry and sing her the ABCs or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, plus he always makes sure her shade thing is pulled so that the sun isn't in her eyes. It's just too bad he can't reach her pacifier when it falls out!
Jayden's also sooo curious these days about how to sound out words. Anytime he sees something he'll ask what it says and lots of times he'll just throw letters out there and ask what it says -- "J...H...U...A -- what's that?" Just last night I was cooking dinner and heard him sounding something out; when I looked over at him, he was sitting on the floor trying to read a word on the big brown paper sacks the city gives us for trash. He sounded out "Pasa-" by himself then started to leave it. I asked him what the rest of the word said (there was crease on the bag so I think he thought that was the end of that word) and he sounded that out..."-dena. Pasadena!" It's so amazing to see him when he figures something out and reads a whole word because his eyes and whole face just lights up. He's so smart and curious, I just hope that next year when he starts kindergarten that he can get into a class that will help foster his curiosity keep him challenged. I understand it's "just kindergarten," but I want him to love to learn like he does now.
We took Julianna to the doctor yesterday for her 2 week check-up and she's still perfect. When we went in for a weight check two days after she was born, she had lost more weight and was down from her birth weight of 7 lb 11 oz to about 7 lb 5 oz. The doctor said to just keep trying the breastfeeding and if we felt she wasn't eating enough to supplement with formula. In the following two weeks I've been up and down and all over the place with emotions about breastfeeding -- with Jayden it was easy...when it was time to eat he wasn't playing any games, he was ready to eat. However, Jules wanted to eat a little here, fall asleep, eat a little there and I was constantly back and forth thinking she wasn't eating enough, I wasn't making enough milk for her, I should just stop being selfish and switch to formula so she was getting enough to eat, etc. Thanks to Jeff's encourgement, I just kept thinking that as long as she's satisfied, that's all that matters...nature takes care of the rest.
When they weighed her at the doctor she had not only gained her lost weight back, she had added almost a whole pound! She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz which exceeded the doc's expectations of how much she would weigh. So now I feel like a weight has been lifted and I know that she's definitely getting enough food. Not only had she gained a pound, she's already grown a whole inch! She's now 22 inches long, which explains why she can't straighten her loooon legs in her newborn foot pajamas (that are SO soft)! We go back at the end of November for her 2 month check up, when they start the first round of all the shots and vaccinations -- I hate that part!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Happy early birthday to Lauren W! Enjoy turning 21!
1 comment:
I swear that boy is almost as smart as his mama was. I remember you, at that age, maybe even younger, writing your name in foot high letters on your floor in lipstick. I also remember you asking what "s-t-o-p" spelled and then drawing the stop sign, word and all, on your preschool paper that had a car. Your teacher was amazed. He reminds me so much of you, so hungry to learn everything. Pretty soon he will be reading books to Jules.
It it hard to believe little princess Julianna is already 3 weeks old. Can't wait to see y'all. Wish you were closer. OLIVE~U
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