Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well, much has happened since March 10th -- obviously!

  • Our Astros ended the season 1-11. The only game we won was against the Mets, but atleast we won one period! I think we tied another team (the Pirates?) for last place. Unfortunately, Jayden wasn't chosen for All-Stars -- the kids have to be 5 at the start of the season and Jayden started out only 4 years old. He'll start Fall Ball in August and he'll play pitch-machine. Hopefully he'll get a team with a great coach!

  • On May 1st my parents came down to watch one of Jayden's games. We're sitting at the house and Jayden is talking to my mom and I notice that one of his bottom teeth is sticking out weird. My mom notices the same thing at the same time. I ask Jayden to come over so I can look at his tooth and I ask him if it feels loose. "Yeah," he replies, "Marc Anthony told me that it was loose at school." Sure enough, both bottom teeth are I was shocked!! I hadn't even noticed until then and he hadn't said anything about it! He spent all day the next day wiggling and wiggling the right one and he pulled it that afternoon! We put in a quick call to the Tooth Fairy who, thankfully, was free and had tooth money ready. Two days later the Tooth Fairy was busy with the second tooth. Now they're growing back in, a little crooked on one side, but looking healthy. We need to make a dentist appointment!

  • Monday Jayden started swimming lessons. I was afraid that he might be a little clingy and not want to go with the class, but he went right over and sat on the edge with the other kids. He can already swim by himself and so far the teachers are holding them to swim them through the water. I'm hoping that as the lessons go on (they last until next Thursday) that they'll let the kids do more on their own.

  • Jayden is still absolutely loving being a big brother. He absolutely dotes on Julianna and never gets tired of her. He does everything he possibly can to be helpful around the house or in the car. I'm so blessed to have him and I hope that I do a good job of letting him know how much I love and appreciate him!!
  • Julianna will be 9 months on Sunday the 22nd. I can't believe that it's been this long already!!

  • While Jayden is losing teeth, Jules is getting her bottom two teeth! Her bottom left tooth is broken through about halfway and the bottom right is just starting to peek through the gums. She's just like Jayden was when he was teething -- perfect with no problems.

  • When Jayden was 8-10 months, he just wanted to go, go, go. Julianna is content to just be, be, be. She's starting to get the point where she wants to try to crawl, but she can't quite get her knees up under her. She can sit up from her belly, then she gets upset because she winds up further from her toy than she was before! She's starting to grab onto things (the bathtub) and try to pull herself up, but once again she seems to have no control over getting up onto her legs! Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon because we're ready to see her cruise. Of course, we should probably crawler-proof before that happens :)

  • It is soooo fun to listen to Jules "talk." She can say consonant noises, and my dad thinks she speaks German because she says "GonahGonahGonah DaDaDa GoeGoeGoe" -- she sounds so cute! Well, that is until she laughs (growls?) like the exocist!
Jeff and Jenn
  • Nothing really new with us. Jeff is still working. I'm "off" for summer, but I've still been at work almost everyday! Two days I had staff development training. Two days I was at campus helping to call applicants to schedule interviews and perform interviews of potential students. Two more days of the same thing, and tomorrow and Thurs I have two more staff development days!!

  • I went home this weekend to see one of my best high school friends get married!! I was an honor attendant -- I passed out programs to guests. Everything was sooo beautiful!

  • Next Wednesday we all leave for Las Vegas -- woohoo!! My mom graduated from college with her MBA so we're having a family reunion/graduation celebration in Vegas. The only "plan" so far is going to see Blue Man Group -- can't wait!
Well, I don't write enough because I always think I need some big long post in order to put anything. From now on there will be several shorter posts just to give everyone a snapshot of what's going on!

1 comment:

Janise said...

How in the world did you post this on June 1st when it was fathers day weekend, June 15th, when you were home??? I am confused!!!

So ready to Vegas! We are going to have so much fun.