Isn't Jayden handsome? What a stud.
Have I mentioned how much I miss them?
Isn't Jayden handsome? What a stud.
Have I mentioned how much I miss them?
Julianna is nearly one month old. She'll be one month old on October 22 at 2:45 a.m. Is that even possible? Weren't we just at the hospital last weekend? This time lapse is going to keep happening to me isn't it? You parents out there will probably tell me that it's just going to get worse. Awesome.
Seriously though, I had planned on coming straight home from the hospital and blogging about Julianna's birthday to give my side of the story. I guess I've been busy although I can't really think of anything that I've done. Strange isn't it? Well, even though it's nearly 4 weeks late here is my version of the events leading up to, and including, Julianna's birthday.
We'll start this story on Thursday, September 20, 2007. I arrived home from work at the usual time (6:30ish), and Jenn is telling me that she thinks she's been having "practice" contractions since that afternoon. I think she told me they were about 30 minutes apart, and they weren't really very strong or anything. I said, "Ok.....and?" That sounds rude doesn't it? I didn't mean it rude. I just meant, "Ok, so what does that mean exactly? Are we having the baby tonight?" Thinking back, I probably should have just said that. Hindsight is 20/20 right? Right. So anyways, Jenn tells me no, she doesn't think that she's in labor. We just kinda sat around that night and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. When we went to bed around 10 p.m. her contractions had completely stopped. I got a good night's sleep and went to work the next morning.
So now it's Friday, September 21 and the events of the previous night have completely left my brain. That happens to me alot. Friday was going to be a fun day because Charlie Fojt had invited the Fountain family to his house in Mont Belvieu. We were just gonna look at his shop, drink some beers, and play with his two miniature donkeys, Brutus and Checkmate. Sounds like fun huh? Well, the event then evolved into more of a guy only thing because two other guys from work were gonna come over too to help drink the beer. So Jennifer politely declined to attend so that I could go hang with the guys. Isn't she sweet? You ARE sweet babe.
So here's where it starts to get exciting. I decided to drive home to Pasadena first to change clothes and buy some "fancy beer" to take with me. When I got home I spent about 2 minutes getting dressed and about 15 minutes looking for my phone. Should I be completely honest here? Ok, ok. I spent about 2 minutes changing clothes, 14 minutes playing on the computer, and 1 minute looking for my phone. That was my BIG mistake.
I arrived at Fojt's shop sometime around 7:30ish and popped the cap on a bottle of Saint Arnold's Amber Ale. Ahhhh. It was going to be a nice, relaxing evening. Wrong. I soon found out that you don't get invited to the Fojt shop unless you are ready to work. Zach and Kevin cranked up the blowtorch and started cutting off the firebox on Charlie's new barbeque pit. He put me to work trying to troubleshoot his widescreen tv. I'm good with electronics ya see. He kept trying to get me to pull the starter on some boat he had just bought. I don't know where he got the idea that I was a boat mechanic, but I'm not.
Then I got the grand tour of the Fojt mansion (he's got a nice setup over there), and we decided to go raid his bay house for some food to cook up. Now THAT is a nice setup. That bay house is perfect for entertaining. Sits right on Trinity Bay, and has just an incredible view. I was a little jealous. Just a little. After the second grand tour of the night we head back over to the shop to "work" some more and cook some dinner. The next thing I know, Charlie is standing in his boat trying to show me where the starter is, and he stops to look at his phone. He makes some face like, "Huh, I wonder who the heck this could be?"
I swear time froze for me at that instant. My mind immediately flashed back to when I arrived and I told myself, "Self, you need to call Jennifer from Charlie's phone so that she has a number to call in case anything happens." Did I ever call her from Charlie's phone? NO! Argh. Time unfreezes and I see and hear Charlie say, "It's for's Jennifer." I knew right then I was in trouble, but it was confirmed when I put the phone up to my ear. "WHY THE F WOULDN'T YOU TAKE YOUR PHONE WITH YOU!!!" I had no good excuse ready so I just asked her what was wrong. "I think my water has broken and we have to go to the hospital right NOW!"
I don't remember what I said to Charlie, Zach, and Kevin, but I know that I high-tailed it back to Pasadena as fast as I could. I was breaking the speed limit, but I won't tell you how fast. You'll just be disappointed in my decision-making yet again. Needless to say, I made it home safe and sound, loaded up the car with Jayden, luggage, and Jennifer. I made SURE not to forget Jennifer. That would have been the final nail in the coffin I'm sure.
Well, that's my version of the events leading up to the hospital stay. I'll try to finish the story this weekend. I'll also try to put up some pumpkin carving pictures from yesterday. Our first family pumpkin! Stay tuned!