Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July Recap

The week proceeding the 4th of July was filled with rain, rain, and more rain. The days following the 4th of July have been filled with rain, rain, and more rain. However, for one glorious day, the rain held off so we could get out and celebrate the 4th like true red, white, and blue-blooded Americans!

We met up with Jeff’s mom, step-dad, and sister, and we all loaded up in the Traverse to head to Galveston. Sidebar to say that I lovelovelove my Traverse! Lauren and I sat in the 3rd row with Jules big carseat while the baby and Grandma sat in the middle captain’s chairs and everyone had plenty of space to be comfortable. Not to mention that even in the back it rides so smoothly! {Chevy can send me my endorsement check now haha Smile} Anyhow, when we got to Galveston we loaded onto the ferry to take Jules on a quick boat ride.


We stayed on the top deck on the ferry ride over, and the people down from where we were standing decided to feed the seagulls flying around, so Jules got some nice close looks at those beautiful (ha!) birds.

This was the first boat ride for both Jules and James, and James enjoyed himself as well. He wasn’t as impressed with the birds.

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I think it’s an understatement to say that we took a lot of pictures on the ferry ride! Smile Here are some to enjoy:

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After the ferry ride, we headed to Casey Guido’s for dinner, then out to the seawall to set up camp and wait for the fireworks. There was a family a little to the right of us who had a bike-tram, and Julianna wanted desperately to sit on it. She and Aunt Lauren (mainly Lauren) asked the kids if she could sit on it for a second, and they were kind enough to agree. They adored Jules and wanted to come see the baby, so they came over to chat and became fast friends. They kept Julianna entertained while we all waited for the fireworks show, then let her join them to watch. Jules had the best seat in the house!


Jules wanted to ring that bell. The only friend missing is the oldest sister.

Galveston definitely has a top notch fireworks display. This is the second year we’ve been there for the show, and it just might become a family tradition!


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P.S. I lovvve the new Windows Live Writer for assembling blog posts; it's so easy!

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